Hidden Mysteries
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All In The Mind
The Art of Awakening
Scientific Method
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Who Am I?

          (George Harrison, Yellow Submarine)

A normal dream is populated with scenery, people, things, and seems perfectly real.  The usual laws of physics seem to apply, such as if you throw a rock into the water, the trajectory, the splash, and the ripples are convincing.  People in the dream respond just like in the non-dream world.  There is usually nothing you can do that violates the laws of physics, except in retrospect after awakening.  Flying during the dream seems like a miracle, and it is accepted as being reasonable.  Meeting people who have died seems quite reasonable.  Of course, there is a whole field of study regarding lucid dreaming, where one can be trained to actually know they are dreaming.  But this is not the usual case.  Everything in the dream seems to be taking place in space and time, but is actually taking place in the point of the dreamer’s consciousness.  The events in the dream are not imposed by chance or from without, and the inhabitants of the dream are not exercising their individual free wills.  Everything in the dream is a projection of the inner psychological drama of the dreamer.  Cause and effect seem to be operating.  The tossing of the rock precedes the splash, but since this is a dream, the splash could occur by itself.  It is our belief in the laws of physics that generates the trajectory, not cause and effect.  One might ask what happens to your dream character when he realizes he is dreaming, or when he just wakes up.  The answer is that the dream character never wakes up, for he is a projection of the dreamer.  It is the dreamer who wakes up.  Sometimes one can re-enter the dream world immediately, knowing he is dreaming, but usually the events take over and the dream world seems all there is.

In the same way, the entire palpable Universe can be modeled as the outward projection of the psychological drama of God.  This implies, of course, that the entire Universe exists in the single point of consciousness of God.  It also implies that the Universe was not created some time ago, and exists independently, but rather that God is creating the Universe instantaneously, now.

This model of the analogy between dreaming and the palpable universe is a standard way of expressing reality, as expressed by many philosophers, theologians, and scientists:

“For the kabbalist, physicality does not exist in and of itself; physical existence is animated by God, whose emanation is everflowing, and without whom all physical existence would collapse in a moment.”  Feldman, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah, p 80.

“His (Faraday’s) gift to science amounted to a fundamental shift in emphasis from the visible apparatus, the magnet of electrical coil, to the invisible field that surrounds it and conveys the electrical or magnetic force.  Here began field theory, which today explores processes ranging from the subatomic to the intergalactic scale and portray the entire material world as but a grand illusion, spun on the loom of the force fields.  Einstein was to be its Bach.”  Ferris, Coming of Age in the Milky Way, p 186

“Truly things seen are manifest images of things unseen.”  Dionysius the Areopagite, Letter to John, Theologos, Apostle and Evangelist, Imprisoned in the Isle of Patmos.

“Physical science, assuming that each message must have had a starting-point, postulated the existence of 'matter' to provide such starting-points. But the existence of this matter was a pure hypothesis; and matter is in actual fact as unobservable as the ether, Newtonian force, and other unobservables which have vanished from science. Early science not only assumed matter to exist, but further pictured it as existing in space and time. Again, this assumption had no adequate justification; for there is clearly no reason why the whole material universe should be restricted to the narrow framework along which messages strike our senses.”  Sir James Jeans, The new world-picture of modern physics, addressing the British Association.

“The stream of human knowledge is impartially heading towards a non-mechanical reality. The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.  Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter.  We are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of this realm.”  Sir James Jeans, The Mysterious Universe (1930), chapter 5

“"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."  Albert Einstein

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”  Niels Bohr
