These essays were originally given as presentations at formal meetings of Masonic or Masonic related bodies. As noted in the brief introduction to some of the essays, the audiences were comprised of Master Masons as a minimum. Naturally, some of the content is more significant to those who have gone through the educational degrees and have experienced the rituals, and who often are more familiar with historical esoterica. Nevertheless, I believe the content is still of general interest, and understandable without any specialized knowledge.
Lectures at regular meetings of the Tujunga Masonic Lodge, where I served as an officer, and ultimately, Master of the Lodge.
Lectures at the AASR (Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite), Valley of Pasadena, Orient of California, Southern Jurisdiction.
Presentations before the California College of the SRICF (Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis).