Hidden Mysteries
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The Trinity
The Trinity & Evil
T'ai Chi & the 32°
Two Paths to Light
Kabbalah & Physics
Kubla Khan
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Any scientist or engineer knows that our scientific theories are only models, or descriptions, of reality.  These models are well known to be approximations, but are excellent and useful descriptions in order to predict behavior and make use of resources.  Models are never rejected because they do not describe reality perfectly, only when they are supplanted by models that better match reality, and often not even then.  A model becomes dogma when it is believed that it is a fact, rather than merely a description. It is true that Newton’s laws fail at sufficiently high speeds or in sufficiently strong gravity, while General Relativity describes reality much better, such as in the bending of light in gravitational fields or in predictions of the orbit of Mercury, so close to a sufficiently large source of gravity.  But it would be ridiculous to use the equations of Relativity to calculate the stresses on a child's swing, for example.  Sometimes we use two different models that contradict each other, when expedient.  To explain and predict the discrete way that metals emit electrons when irradiated by light requires that photons be treated as particles.  But to explain and predict the way light is scattered from a slit requires that photons be treated as waves.  A better model might predict both behaviors, but the current models are elegant and simple to calculate. Must we have two different models? Isn't this simply a case of not understanding the underlying reality?  

The current Standard Model of modern physics recognizes that the actual nature of reality is hidden in the unobservable nature of quarks, and the unobservable nature of the gauge fields which give rise to light and all forces.  Still, physicists talk about particles and fields as if they were objectively real entities with paradoxical behaviors.  They assume it is the "particles" themselves that not only exhibit this behavior, but manifest this nature, rather than the inability of the physicists to formulate a complete model.  They call this situation "complementarity", as if giving it a formal name makes it an actual property of reality.  The Wikipedia entry for complementarity confirms this:  

"The complementarity principle states that some objects have multiple properties that appear to be contradictory. Sometimes it is possible to switch back and forth between different views of an object to observe these properties, but in principle, it is impossible to view both at the same time, despite their simultaneous coexistence in reality. For example, we can think of an electron as either a particle or a wave, depending on the situation. An object that's both a particle and a wave would seem to be impossible because, normally, such things are mutually exclusive. Nonetheless, an electron is truly both at once.  

"A profound aspect of complementarity is that it not only applies to measurability or knowability of some property of a physical entity, but more importantly it applies to the limitations of that physical entity’s very manifestation of the property in the physical world. All properties of physical entities exist only in pairs, which Bohr described as complementary or conjugate pairs … Physical reality is determined and defined by manifestations of properties which are limited by trade-offs between these complementary pairs."

This use of complementarianism seems utterly different from the use by the physics community, but we will see they have more in common than appears on the surface.  The Wikipedia entry for this states:  

"Complementarianism is a theological view held by many in Christianity and other world religions, such as Islam, as well as in Messianic and Orthodox Judaism, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere. The word ‘'complementary’' and its cognates is used currently to denote this view. For those whose complementarian view is biblically-prescribed, these separate roles preclude women from specific functions of ministry within the Church. It assigns leadership roles to men and support roles to women, based on the interpretation of certain biblical passages. One of its precepts is that while women may assist in the decision making process, the ultimate authority for the decision is the purview of the male in marriage, courtship, and in the polity of churches subscribing to this view. … The term does not appear in the Bible. It is derived from the hermeneutical hypothesis that men and women are designed to complement or complete each other on the basis of their gender."  

Of course, this is in conflict with much of modern attitudes of gender, with an extreme view that all roles are culturally determined, and the only ethical distinction is child bearing itself. If this were true, there would be no culturally determined differences in roles reflected in the animal kingdom. This is clearly not the case, as anyone who has ever observed pigeons courting could humorously attest.

The Standard Model of Physics is just an array of all known fundamental particles and forces, with a slight hierarchical arrangement, called generations of matter, based upon energy levels, while the Sephirot, or Tree of Life, is explicitly hierarchical with energies increasing with increasing closeness to the Absolute.

The following diagrams show the Standard Model of Physics and the Standard Model of the Kabbalah side by side. The Standard Model in physics refers to the grid of quarks, leptons, and bosons.  All matter is combinations of these.  The first three columns correspond to all matter.  The first column is matter as we observe it at normal energies.  Combinations of quarks give rise to protons and neutrons, and with the addition of electrons and neutrinos, comprise all the "particles" of matter that make up our everyday world of atoms, molecules, and us.  The next two columns describe matter at progressively higher energies, often only observed with massive high-energy colliders.  The last column corresponds to light and all forces, except gravity, which enables all these particles to hold together and allow us to see and feel them.   

The Kabbalah, on the other hand, is explicitly hierarchical, and shows the emanation of reality descending in real-time from the unknowable Absolute on top, to God the Father, God the Mother (Holy Spirit) and God the Son, down to the world of appearances, namely, our observables, at the bottom.

Note that the Standard Model of Physics is radically reductionist, showing that fundamental reality is in the smallest particles, and the world is created as emergent properties from this source.  This is known to scientists as "weak emergence", and is considered a reasonable, but so far unexplainable, model, especially with respect to life itself.  The Model of the Kabbalah is the reverse, and shows the world is an emanation of God, the emergent properties from God creating the world from the Source down.  This is known to scientists as "strong emergence", and is not well respected because it is too much like "magic", and physicists do not like anything that smacks of metaphysics.  Strong emergence seems to be a better candidate for the creation of anything.  Art, music, architecture, and all works of engineering start from a strong idea, and manifest under the guidance of some plan.  Bird nests, beaver dams, spider webs, and countless other examples in the real world point to strong emergence.  The idea that properties are somehow emergent from the accumulation of smaller parts strikes me as not only magic, but creepily black magic.

Standard Model of Physics           Sephirot of the Kabbalah

This diagram represents one of the possible results of mapping the Standard Model of Physics onto the Sephirot.  This shows that protons, neutrons & electrons, all matter, the Holy Spirit which permeates and fills all things, corresponds to God the Mother, G(M), on the left pillar, the pillar of Earth, or Boaz.  Light and energy, all forces, corresponds to God the Father, G(F), on the right pillar, the pillar of Heaven, or Jachin.  Mind is represented by the Middle Pillar, manifesting as God the Son, G(S), recognized by all mystery schools and religions as the sacrificial representative of God on earth, acted out in the theater of ritual as each candidate, who is always placed exactly between the two pillars upon entering the Lodge. It is ironic that the Standard Model of Physics, which purports to be the total understanding of Reality, ignores the entire existence of life.

God the Father, G(F), manifests as Light and Force.  The proper speed of Light is infinite.  At this speed, time slows to a stop, so God the Father's clock never moves.  This means that God the Father is everywhere at once, and everything that happens, happens now, from His viewpoint.  All the changes in the world, including our free-will choices, are obviously seen by Him, but this does not necessarily mean that He controls or even influences them.  The aspect of Force, modeled by bosons, holds all the "particles" of "matter" together.  If God the Father disappeared, the world would be instantly plunged into darkness, and the bonds that hold all fundamental particles together would break.   God the Mother, G(M), manifests as Matter and Charge.  Matter is modeled as different arrangements of Fermions (Quarks and Leptons).  In our local universe (at our levels of energy), the first generation of Matter is manifested, and called by us protons (2 up quarks and 1 down quark), neutrons (1 up quark and 2 down quarks), neutrinos, and electrons.  At higher energies, other "particles" appear, perhaps related to higher dimensions of God as reported by gnostics and theological hierarchies, such as the Kabbalah.  But in this study, we are concerned with the local universe as experienced by us, at our energies, our matter, our time, our gravity.  If God the Mother disappeared, all matter would instantly disappear.   Acting together, we have a description of the Standard Model meaningful to theologians as well as physicists.  God the Mother provides all matter.  God the Father provides the energy that holds matter together, and fills Her with Light.  Truly, a marriage made in heaven.  The Standard Model of physics maps so readily onto the Kabbalah because of its clean separation between the roots of matter (God the Mater, or Mother) and the source of Force and Light (God the Father).    Because physics and theology are both attempts to explain the nature of the universe, and are therefore describing the same phenomena, it is inevitable that they are compatible views.

There is really no current theory of complementarity. The term only refers to the experimentally determined situation. It is considered a "principle" because it is the observation of the results of measurement, but no theory, elegant or not, is offered.  The Kabbalah, on the other hand, offers a beautiful and elegant theory based on the natural complementarity between the male and female principles which generate life, not just at the spiritual level with God the Father and God the Mother, but in our daily experience of childbirth at every level of living beings.

In a way, this situation is similar to theories of gravity.  Science has absolutely no idea what causes gravity, only geometrical and mathematical descriptions of how "matter" and even "light" acts under the influence of this mysterious force.  Under the hypotheses of this unified model, gravity is not a one-time event that happened in the dim past that gave everything in the universe an initial push forcing everything to "fall together", whereby we might have called it the Big Squeeze, but rather it is a continuing force that draws everything together.  This is proven by the observation that everything in the universe is relentlessly drawing together.  In the same way, the Big Bang is not a one time event that happened in the dim past that gave everything in the universe an initial velocity forcing everything to "fly apart", and still expanding based on that event, but rather it is a continuing force that pushes everything apart.  This is proven by the observations that everything in the universe is not only expanding, but as we look further out, seems to be accelerating.  

These are currently seen as two different forces competing to see who will win, and the value of the Cosmological Constant determines whether the universe will expand forever into heat death, or whether gravity will eventually overcome and all will be crushed back to a singularity, the "Big Crunch".  In the Unified Model, the Big Bang, here symbolized as G, the unknowable Absolute, is the positive pole (Big Yang?) to the negative pole of Gravity, here symbolized as G(1), Mind, The One (Big Yin?).  Symmetry and beauty require them to be as equal and opposite as every other force.  In other words, Gravity and the Big Bang are two seemingly experimentally disparate views of the same entity, the very definition of complementarity.  

In summary, the only theory that best explains and best models complementarity, as described by nearly every religion and mystic, and most clearly presented in the Kabbalah, is God, in his various aspects as Many, or Three, or Two, or One, or Void.  All are holy.
