A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is.
- Lao-tzu
The Big Questions include the nature of reality, the
existence and nature of God, the meaning and purpose of life, and the grounds
for ethical behavior. The most
compelling Big Question is the meaning and purpose of life, why we exist at
all. People throughout history have been
so clueless, they glibly guess that the purpose is to be happy, or to glorify
God, or to avoid reincarnation, or to win the ultimate vacation in heaven, or
worse, that there is no purpose. These are all from the viewpoint of man, and
have nothing to say about God's possible motives. No one has ever attempted to answer the most
important question, Why? This book
examines the biased and narrow views of science, philosophy, religion,
theology, gnosticism, mysticism, shamanism, art, and literature from the vastly
broader viewpoint of the art and science of Systems of Systems Engineering with
surprisingly satisfying results.
Historically, each of these schools of thought had to cautiously guard
their beliefs, as those with alternate models of the universe were too often
persecuted, hunted down, tortured and murdered, and their books were burned. Without
open communications, these groups were isolated and secretive, their range of
perceptions was limited, and they came to believe that their Model of the
universe was factual and every other Model either wrong, or heretical. In
modern times, those with alternate views are often merely ridiculed or
relegated to the lunatic fringe.
Things have changed radically since then, such as the
spectacular findings of modern physics, the scholarship of historians, the new
appreciation of gnosis and esotericism, the astonishing availability of
research materials on the internet, and the power of Systems of Systems
Engineering as a way to model enormously complex systems scientifically,
methodically, and much more importantly, without biases or preconceived
notions. We have learned from modern
physics that the fundamental laws of the universe are ultimately simple, and
based upon symmetry and beauty. A startling concurrence has been discovered
between modern physics and the Kabbalah. Accordingly, we return to an
examination of fundamentals, to determine whether traditional preconceived
notions have obscured our foundational beliefs and unexamined prejudices.
One of the keys to unlocking these mysteries is a profound
re-examination of metaphysics, epistemology, and methodology. Most of the
literature on these subjects is arduously confusing, enormously complicated,
and based upon unfounded guesses. Here
we present a simpler, more rational, intuitive model of epistemology. This
model has the advantage of being able to assess the validity of knowledge
without complex logical machinations or lack of falsifiability. We also explain why scientists have such an
unfounded fear of metaphysics, which leads to contempt for humanistic,
philosophical, and spiritual viewpoints.
Methodologies used by researchers are strongly influenced by the choice
of epistemology. This is not really a free
choice, because they imagine their particular epistemology represents the facts
of the sources of knowledge, rather than just their unique viewpoint, and
causes the beliefs of the various schools of thought to harden into
orthodoxy. The methodology of Systems of
Systems Engineering is described and shown to be eminently suitable for
examining the most complex system in the universe, the universe itself, without
the baggage of preconceived notions.
The goal of this analysis is the development of a satisfying
interdisciplinary Model of the universe.
The Big Questions become addressable, and often intuitively obvious,
such as the existence and nature of God, an important part of the purpose of
life from both God's and man's point of view, and the origin of the universe. Lesser questions are also addressed, such as a
reasonable theory to explain complementarity, a resolution of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
paradox; the mystery of quantum entanglement; why physicists think that the
extra dimensions of reality are curled up and tiny; the location of the center
of the universe; the solution of the non-locality faster-than-light paradox;
whether gravity is monopolar; what is the Trinity; what are the real hidden
mysteries of Freemasonry; what is the most fundamental reason behind depression
and addiction; and whether there is free will.
I know this sounds arrogant and presumptuous, but I present a
strong case that it is the scientists, theologians and philosophers who
arrogantly dismiss the ideas of those outside their isolated communities for
what they think are solid and unimpeachable reasons, which, however, can be
demonstrated to be based upon internal inconsistencies, and an illogical and irrational